BP Australia

As BP Australia’s Brooke Miller said, during the devastating bushfires “we needed to get into communities, so people could get out’’.

As more and more regions became isolated by fires, fuel supply for those regions became logistically complex. Equally, as towns were told to evacuate, fuel supply became critical to allow individuals to do so safely. During the bushfires, bp worked closely with emergency services to closely monitor weather and road conditions to ensure a safe supply of fuel to affected communities. 

Then during COVID, they not only kept their customers and teams safe, but had to maintain fuel supplies despite the challenges of border closures.

COVID-19 support teams were in operation for eight months through to October 27, with over 60 formal meetings held. Response teams worked with emergency services, government agencies, community groups and businesses to ensure fuel could travel across the country, through checkpoints, to where it was needed including driver quarantine periods. BP logistics team were able to successfully fill metro and regional markets in preparation for prolonged outage.


Sharyn Broer, President & Kate Thiele, Executive Director, Meals on Wheels Australia

On behalf of Meals on Wheels® Australia, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to BP Australia for your incredible generosity. It’s been an incredibly challenging few months for many of our volunteers and their local communities. Many were impacted by the bushfires and were just coming to terms with that devastation when COVID-19 emerged as potentially an even greater risk. Then, when volunteers who were over 70 years of age were asked to self-isolate to keep themselves safe, things became particularly difficult.

When organisations, such as yourselves, stepped in and offered support it sent a message right throughout the organisation that we were not on our own. BP Australia’s generosity has had a dual impact. Not only have you provided tangible support by offering vouchers for fuel, coffee or food items, you have also sent an important message that the work of MoWA really matters.

Shannon Gilmore, Fundraising, Grants and Trusts Manager, St Johns Ambulance Victoria

Staying on the roads so we can service all Victorians is now more vital than ever. Thanks to the generosity of BP, St John Ambulance Australia has received $100k towards fuel to keep us going during COVID-19 relief. Thanks to the kindness of the people at BP, this means that in Victoria we can continue to transport unwell people using our NEPT vehicles, take the elderly to medical appointments through the Community Transport service and ensures our volunteers can take vulnerable people with no form of transport for COVID-19 testing.

Ron Arkcoll, Managing Director, Rapid Relief Team

On behalf of the Rapid Relief Team (RRT), I would like to share our heartfelt thanks to BP and its staff for supporting RRT, and our volunteers during this time. Across Australia, our volunteers continue to step up to the challenge to support people in self-isolation for COVID-19 through our Food Box initiative. Every day, our volunteers are going out of their way to deliver RRT Food Boxes, which act as an emergency food bank for people in crisis. BP’s donation will certainly put a big smile on our volunteers’ faces, and will allow us to continue to provide this much needed support to people in need. Thank you BP for assisting people impacted by COVID-19 in this way, your support is much appreciated.

Frédéric Baudry, Head of Country, BP Australia

As an essential service, I am incredibly proud of the way bp has supported our communities across Australia in 2020. This year has shown it is not just what we do as a business, but how we do it that really matters. I am grateful for the countless hours, the energy, resilience, and level of care demonstrated by our people in service of our customers. bp was called upon to help keep Australia safe, in a time when our communities needed us most; I am delighted we have been able to deliver on those expectations. This is the essence of bp, with safety and community at the heart of our operations.

BP Australia makes big impact in crises

This article first appeared in The Australian newspaper on Monday 15 February 2021.

During last summer’s devastating bushfires, as thousands fled to safety under evacuation orders, the supply of fuel to affected communities became a critical part of the emergency response.

For oil and gas company BP Australia it was a time to step up, moving into fire affected areas to ensure people had critical fuel supplies, working with emergency services to monitor weather conditions and ensure affected towns had enough fuel.

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of business in the community
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