Fortescue Metals Group and the Minderoo Foundation

In the wake of the bushfires, Fortescue Metals Group’s Minderoo Foundation set up the Minderoo Foundation Fire Fund, an initiative with $20 million committed to rebuild communities and revitalise local economies and a further $50 million to develop a long-term blueprint for wildlife and disaster resilience.

Fortescue donated $1 million to the fund and provided more than $760,000 in-kind assistance to support Minderoo help families recover from the bushfires. Minderoo visited 13 fire affected communities which informed Fortescue’s response plan.

Specialist Fortescue employees were seconded to the Minderoo Foundation to help install Minderoo Foundation Recovery Pods, a form of temporary accommodation. Within 307 days, they constructed and delivered 256 temporary housing pods, including 1017 beds, to 256 families.

In addition, Minderoo has launched its newest initiative: Fire and Flood Resilience. The blueprint to guard against future disasters includes new artificial intelligence techniques that rapidly detect to fires and floods, new management methods that protect the environment, water and land security, and programs to lift resilience within communities, including mental health initiatives.