
FutureSteps is a Lendlease shared value initiative grounded in the belief that everyone needs a place to call home. Following the launch in December 2018, FutureSteps received $500,000 seed funding from Lendlease Foundation and receives ongoing funding of 0.1 per cent of residential revenue from their Australian Property business.

The aim of FutureSteps is to empower vulnerable people by partnering with not-for-profits to boost the availability of accommodation and support services and investing in targeted training and jobs programs. FutureSteps provides grant funding and in-kind support such as skilled volunteering resources.

In 2020, FutureSteps provided grants and other support to six not-for-profits in Australia including Taldumande Youth Services.

Taldumande Youth Services CEO, Lisa Graham says the assistance provided by Lendlease and its project partners came at a vital time.

“This year has been a difficult one for our organisation which has experienced an increase in the need for all the services we provide.”

“Since February there has been a 51 per cent increase in Domestic Violence impacted young people requiring our services and a 101 per cent increase in mental health issues and the work carried out by Lendlease partners goes a long way in helping vulnerable young people.”

Lendlease’s CEO of Property Kylie Rampa said of the program: “In less than two years, FutureSteps has provided significant financial and in-kind support to established non-for-profits in Australia.”

“The success of FutureSteps is testament to the broader contribution large companies like Lendlease can make to the community.”