In this uncertain time, one certainty was the importance of contact tracing. Salesforce has helped develop the ability to support businesses – and particularly governments – to modernise and digitise contact tracing.
They created a set of digital tools and automated workflows that allowed governments to manage the full lifecycle of a COVID case – from test, trace, isolate and beyond – all with the flexibility to meet unique requirements. They are now working with governments here and all over the world including Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia to support their contact tracing.
In addition, Salesforce has helped support communities through the bushfires and COVID. For example, they teamed up with their partner SolarBuddy to build and distribute lights to impacted areas.
During the pandemic, Salesforce and COSBOA gave $10,000 grants to small businesses to help them with operational costs, marketing, customer experience investment and inventory. For example, Henry’s Ginger Beer launched direct-to-consumer sales and delivery, diversifying its business model after seeing sales sharply drop as the restaurants closed their doors.
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