A letter to De Martin & Gasparini (Boral) from the wife of an employee

I just want to say a huge thank you for the enormous support you showed Scott during these fires and over the years. Not many companies are as generous as De Martin & Gasparini. Scott felt extremely guilty taking time off…He’d had only eight hours broken sleep over the four days but felt guilty for not being at work. [You] let him know he’d still be paid and to return once the job’s done (or words to that effect).
Words cannot express my gratitude for what you did for us. You took an exhausted firefighter off the roads and put him where he can help his community...Being the Captain of the Putty Rural Fire Brigade comes with great responsibilities during these times. Without a chain of command plus local knowledge of terrain and houses, the RFS would be at a loss. This puts great pressure on people like Scott as not many can replace them. They are torn between family, work and a long fire season. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
So when I say ‘Thank you from the bottom of my heart’, I hope you realise they are not just words.