Chien-Jung Chen

Having a fulfilling role in the peer support advisor program means that I have the opportunity to be the first point of contact for the international students during this pandemic, whether they are in quarantine or self-isolation in Australia, or back home. This enables me to utilise a wide range of skill sets, which I have learnt from professional supervisors and guest speakers, to further support these students on behalf of the university. Throughout the months, online trainings were provided to better assist international students in this period of uncertainty, by improving my empathetic skills through emails and calls; developing my communication skills with stressed students; and understanding the verbal and non-verbal cues during these interactions. Looking back, this program was built from the ground up; from replying four emails per day to hosting informative Zoom sessions for hundreds of students weekly, and I am proud to have played a part in the process to say the least. If this is what the peer support advisor program has achieved in the last six months, I cannot wait to see its future.