Katrina Wills, President, Parndana Progress Association Kangaroo Island

After the devastating Black Summer bushfires of 2019-2020 it has been fantastic to have people such as Jennifer McDonnell, from WSP working on the BizRebuild KI projects. Jennifer and the rest of the BizRebuild team have been a breath of fresh air in what was a positively horrible year as we faced the aftermath of the worst bushfires on record and then COVID-19. We look forward to seeing our wish list of items at the Parndana Town Hall come to fruition thanks to the team, so that our community can move forward while rebuilding, reconnecting, and recovering. Without the positivity from results driven people such as Jennifer and some exciting projects to look forward to our community may not have had the drive to move forward. Well done to all involved and thank you to WSP for allowing your staff to conduct this extremely beneficial work for our community.